Youth Chautauqua
Healers and Peacemakers Programs
"Chautauqua" is an event format started as an education and social movement in 19th century America to bring uplifting cultural programs to rural Americans. Chautauqua is an Iroquois term meaning “two moccasins tied together” which describes the lake where Chautauquas were first held.
Informed by the White Roots of Peace, story of the Great Peacemaker and his Messenger Hiawatha, who envisioned and formed the Iroquois Confederacy, the Choreosophy Institute Chautauqua (CIC) platform invites discussion of public issues of the day, international relations, diplomacy, science, the arts, and literature.
The CIC Youth Chautauqua is an interfaith cultural diplomacy program designed for children and youth ages 9 - 18 and their parents who are budding young healers and peacemakers.
Budding Healers' Journey
World Cafe's for Youth Diplomats
Science of Self-Care Chautauqua
Attend Virtually, Onsite, or Hybrid
Format for Summer School and After School Programs
Congruent Sessions for Parents and Guardians.
Earn Scout Badges.
A Salutogenesis and Health Culture Diplomacy Approach to Promoting Mental Health for Youth
Supported by our Health Culture Diplomat Team of Family Counselors, Scout Master, and Faculty.
"Healing Journeys"
Click the image to view an inspiring 5-minute documentary about teaching herbalism to high school students destined for the health professions.
This documentary was supported by the NC Arts Council.

First Aid, CPR Skills, and Crisis Skills
Science of Self-Care: Health Decisions and Simple Applications for Common Health Concerns and Health Promotion
Growing and Preparing Energizing Foods
Demonstrating Care with the Healing Arts
Mastering Change by Connecting with Plants and Making Herbal Simples (See Healing Journeys Documentary)
Family Identity and Belonging: Genealogy and Genograms
Peacemaking Communication, Diplomacy, and Public Speaking
Special Add On Module:
Self-care and Equine-Facilitated Coaching with Dr. Julie Smith Taylor and G (horse)
Format: One Week Onsite
WORLD CAFES FOR YOUTH - Short Chautauquas!
Short Chautauqua Educational Presentation followed by Round Table Discussions guided by counselor /diplomats and young adults trained in the healing arts and peacemaking communication by Golden Apple and Choreosophy leaders.
Format: Onsite
Golden Apple Healing Arts' signature Elements of Care Gentle Medicine Program - for youth!
Format: Online, Onsite, or Hybrid
2-Day Retreat or Five 3-hour Sessions.