Be Inspired!
You Belong Here!
I would love the opportunity to share this beautiful path with you that I have been walking for 33 years. You have come to the right place for some new tools for your integrative holistic nursing toolbox so that you can go forward with your dream of helping others with confidence!
NEW Integrative Holistic Nursing Textbook: Precision Nursing Science: Integrative Holistic Nursing with the Elements of Care®
Module 1: 2-Day online program
Module 2: Guided self-study with 4 webinars (90 hours over 4-6 months )
Module 3: On-site 3-day herbs and flowers education and retreat
Foot Reflexology Science of Energy Flow® with Herbal Stress Relief (Level 1) and Certified Provider (Levels 2 and 3)
Libster, M. (Jan/Feb 2023). The Tao of integrative nursing assessment (TINA): An East-West model for precision, complementarity, and inclusion in relationship-centered care. Holistic Nursing Practice. 37(1): E1-13.
What is Integrative and Holistic Salutogenesis Nursing?
Integrative holistic salutogenesis nursing is a spiritual path of freedom exemplifying the archetype of "mother." Nursing is service to humanity in which the truth of deep love is demonstrated in caring actions that have meaning for each patient, family, or community and the nurse too. Integrative holistic nursing is a very practical and visionary path. Salutogenesis is the study of the origins of health rather than pathogenesis, the study of the factors that cause disease. It is focused on health patterns and health promotion.
Integrative and holistic salutogenesis nursing care energizes nurses and patients alike. We provide physical, emotional, and psychological care and spiritual companionship to support a person, family, or community as they seek to find their life purpose and the meaning in their health challenges. Each nurse discovers their unique way of demonstrating care. One of my specific contributions is advancing the practice of nurse-herbalism as partnership with plants in care.

Dr. Libster's Healing Relationship Model Published in her book
What is Precision Nursing Science?
Precision nursing science is an energetics-first approach to integrative and holistic care. Precision nursing science incorporates the time-honored knowledge of the energetics of the Elements of Care®- ether, fire, air, water, and earth - with emerging science related to human nature, physiology, and the environment.
Quick Reads by Dr. Libster!
Editorials from Journal of Integrative Nursing
Integrative Nursing as a Rudder for Salutogenic System Change
How engaging communities in a World Cafe can inspire integrative nursing research
Complementarity in nurse-herbalism: Partnering with plants for the purpose of promoting health